university website privacy and security policy
网上博彩平台大学致力于确保您的机密信息的隐私性和准确性. We do not actively share personal information gathered from our Web servers. 然而, some information collected from our Web site, including the summary server log information, 发送到网站的电子邮件, and information collected from Web-based forms, may be subject to the review to meet Federal and State reporting requirements. This means that while we do not actively share information, in some cases we may be compelled by law to release information gathered from our Web servers. As part of our commitment to maintain the privacy of general public who utilize our Web sites, 网上博彩平台大学 has developed this privacy statement. 该声明有两个目的:
- To educate the general public about privacy issues
- 向公众介绍网上博彩平台大学采用的具体隐私政策和指导方针
网上博彩平台大学 Web consists of several Web servers. 大学托管的一些服务器可能会根据其特定需求采用更严格的隐私声明. 如果另一个网上博彩平台大学的Web服务器有不同于此声明的隐私声明, 该政策必须得到网络监督委员会的批准,然后必须在该网站上发布. 然而, 这些网站不能采用以任何方式取代联邦或州法规的隐私声明.
University Web sites contain links to hundreds of external Web sites. 大学不对我们链接到的外部网站的隐私做法或内容负责(见下面的链接政策)。.
网上博彩平台大学 complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which prohibits the release of most education records without student permission. 网上博彩平台大学还遵守保护患者个人健康信息的州和联邦法规, employees and general Web site visitors.
Our Web servers generate logs that contain the following information:
- Internet address of computer being used
- 请求的网页
- 引用网页
- 浏览器使用
- 日期和时间
- 唯一的个人标识符
系统管理员和Web内容协调人员将汇总使用这些数据来优化Web站点以提高其效率,并且通常不与特定的个人相关联. 从日志生成的摘要报告帮助Web发布者确定哪些Web浏览器和页面最流行.
Cookies are small pieces of data stored by the Web browser. Cookies are often used to remember information about preferences and pages you have visited. 例如, when you visit some sites on the Web you might see a “Welcome Back” message. The first time you visited the site a cookie was probably set on your computer; when you return, cookie再次被读取. 您可以拒绝接受cookies,可以禁用cookies,并从您的硬盘驱动器中删除cookies.
网上博彩平台大学的Web服务器可能在集中身份验证系统中使用cookie. 使用这些cookie是为了让您在访问网站的不同部分时不必重复输入用户名和密码. 当您请求有关您自己的数据或确保您是大学社区的成员时,通常需要根据LDAP进行身份验证. 此登录过程通常使用安全套接字层(SSL),因此在Web浏览器和Web服务器之间对用户名和密码进行加密. 网上博彩平台大学内的一些Web服务器也可能使用cookie来保留用户首选项信息. It is against university policy to share this information with external third parties.
大学尽最大努力确保我们所掌握的关于你的个人信息是准确的. Although no computer system is 100% secure, 网上博彩平台大学 has deployed security measures to protect against the loss, 滥用, or alteration of the information under our control.
网上博彩平台大学的一些网站可能允许您使用信用卡在线支付产品或服务. Unless otherwise noted, these transactions are encrypted. 根据大学政策,您在交易中输入的机密信息仅用于该交易中描述的目的, unless an additional use is specifically stated on that site. Personal web sites may not sell products or services online with the option to pay online.
网上博彩平台大学有, 根据用户的明确要求, 与其他各方共享信息,并从其他私人数据提供商收集信息. 例如, 该大学从考试机构获得考试成绩,并将成绩单发送给其他学校. This is done only at the request of users (persons to whom the information applies). 除非根据公开信息请求或其他法律程序有特别要求, it is against university policy to release confidential information gathered through the Web, 比如访问过的页面, 或者个性化偏好. 符合FERPA, we do not release personal student information, other than public directory information, to other parties unless we receive explicit written authorization to do so. 注册的学生可以通过联系注册办公室来限制他们的目录信息的发布.
网上博彩平台大学 may make some public chat rooms, 论坛, 留言板, and news groups available to its users. The university does not ordinarily log data transactions during usage of these systems, 然而, 在这些地方披露的任何信息都将成为公共信息,因此您在决定在这些地方披露您的机密信息时应谨慎行事. Academic chat sessions and discussion 论坛, such as those using student course management software, 可能会被记录. 同时, these educational records may be protected from disclosure by FERPA or other statutes.
At any time there are numerous online surveys being conducted on the university’s Web site. 根据大学政策,在这些在线调查中收集的机密信息仅用于调查中指出的研究目的. Unless otherwise noted on the specified survey, 您的回答是保密的,除非联邦或州法律要求,否则您的个人回答不会与其他方共享. Aggregate data from surveys may be shared with external third parties.
All information collected from the 网上博彩平台大学 Web site, including the summary server log information, 发送到网站的电子邮件, and information collected from Web-based forms, may be subject to 密歇根 statutes governing the confidentiality and release of information.
FERPA让学生有权了解网上博彩平台大学收集的关于他们的信息, 有权要求提供该信息的副本,并要求大学纠正任何错误的信息. All requests for public information should be forwarded to the university’s Webmaster (
本网站提供到其他公共和私人网站的链接,以提供信息. 网上博彩平台大学 makes no representations, 担保, 或保证准确性, 完整性, 货币, or suitability for any purpose of the information provided via this Web site. 网上博彩平台大学明确否认任何和所有的责任和责任,任何索赔或损害可能产生的结果网上博彩平台大学提供的网站或其包含的信息, 或可能以任何方式与第三方维护的与网上博彩平台大学网站链接的任何网站有关. 网上博彩平台大学 makes no effort to independently verify, and does not exert editorial control over, information on pages outside these domains:,
网上博彩平台大学建议网站访问者阅读通过本网站访问的任何第三方网站的隐私政策. 网上博彩平台大学有 not endorse any of the products, 供应商, 咨询顾问, or documentation referenced in this Web site. Any mention of 供应商, products, or services is for informational purposes only.
If you would like to modify or delete your personal information from Siena Heights databases, contact the Siena Heights Marketing Department at (517) 264-7141 or email them at 您也可以给他们发电子邮件或打电话,选择退出网上博彩平台大学未来的任何通信.